What happens if you add too many fish? --I know they die, but do they die down until you have the right number of fish or do they continue to die off until all of them are gone. Does the water always have an ammonia spike or can the Ammonia be 0, Nitirite- 0, Nitrate-0? If the water test out fine was it some kind of disease even though there were no unusual markings on the fish? I have lost all but one fish (again) and am totally confused about what happened. Is there some disease that does not show that much on the fish? It happened right after I added a fish. That fish died and then I started losing everything else. I lost several right away and then one by one. I am ready to just give up. I have been at this for years and have not gotten it right. It went real well for about six months. I had all the problems worked out thanks to the help of people on this board. If I lose this last one I don't know if to keep trying or to just drain my tank. Thank you.