What happens when one of the two clowns die?


I recently had one of my percula clownfish die. I woke up to the clean up crew chowing down on his/her remains. My water levels were fine. I'm not really sure what happened. Nevertheless, if I get another clown to replace my dead one, will the current one get along with it? My current clown is about 1-1.5", so should I get a bigger one? smaller one? Not one? Thanks for any advice!


Active Member
Sorry for your loss.

Sounds like your clown is still pretty young. If you do get a new one, get one that is smaller. That way, your old clown will take dominance and become the female and the new one will be male.


Thanks for the help. How can I tell if it is the false percula, or regular? I bought mine from a pet store that was closing, and these were my first purchase. I didn't know there was a difference then, so I didn't ask or pay attention. The dead one had more black shadow areas, and the top fin was black. The one I still have is not as black in those areas and on the top fin, (I'm not sure what that is called), is not black at all. Thanks for any help.


Active Member
Because of its name, Amphiprion percula, it is the True Percula Clownfish.
It has 10 (rarely 9) dorsal spines.
It often has black edged borders of varied widths around its white bars.
The false percula, Amphiprion ocellaris, is often confused with the true percula.
It never has the black edged borders around its white bars.
It has 11 (rarely 10) dorsal spines.
The spinous (anterior) part of the dorsal fin is taller.
Hope this helps!