What in the %$#@ is this world coming too


Active Member
What is wrong with a world that has people that would blow up children? It is so tragic to see what happened in Russia. When this thing first happened, I remember thinking that I would not want to have to make the decision that Putin was going to have to make. I could not even begin to think what you could do. I can't imagine seeing over 200 children dead. That is just unthinkable.
The one thing that I admire the Soviet Union on is that they don't let world opinion of them affect how they get things done. It was never really told in too many reports, but when they went into the Theatre during the last hostage situation all the terrorists were killed. It was reported that most were killed by the poison that was pumped into the theatre, but it was also stated from some reliable sources that some probably did die from poison but all were shot in heart and head. The old double tap. No strung out trials, no politics, just instant justice. I'm not a violent person and I've never felt this way about anyone before, but I could walk up to any of those that participated in this a put a shot right between their eyes and never lose a minutes sleep over it.
I pray for the families of those children and just wonder when the day will come when the world will say enough is enough and hold countries that support terrorists accountable. This just makes me sick to my stomach.


I fully agree. Justice should be swift and direct. Unfortunately it takes a major tradegy such as this to make otherwise passive people to finally realise you have to fight terror with unwavering power and might. When you are fighting terrorist, you are fighting a disease. A disease that must be completely erradicated lest it return to rear its ugly head. The US has never been so involved in the fight until 9-11. Now we can never leave the fight, that is at least never leave until every terrorist is dead. Not in jail, but dead. The citizens of the US better get used to the fear they feel, and the liberties they will lose in order to be protected at home. The fight is here like it or not. The fight is neither republican nor democrat, it is American.
For those of you pacifists who would argue my point; What would you do when your child's school is taken hostage by a group of terrorists? What would you do as your child is wheeled from the school in a body bag? Pray for the terrorist? Forgive him/her? Complain then as to why the government has not done anything to protect you and your family? I would suggest instead of protesting now to remove troops from iraq, you start supporting what the US is trying to do before we end up with such a tragedy here in the US.
No the answer is not to pull our troops from iraq. I know you think then the terrorists will leave the good 'ol US alone. It won't happen.
Sorry Tang I think I changed the point of your post.


Active Member

Originally posted by VyperOne
I would suggest instead of protesting now to remove troops from iraq, you start supporting what the US is trying to do before we end up with such a tragedy here in the US.
No the answer is not to pull our troops from iraq. I know you think then the terrorists will leave the good 'ol US alone. It won't happen.
Sorry Tang I think I changed the point of your post.

My thoughts put to words, thank you, that's exactly my standpoint!