What in the world is this? ID Please!

This just appeared.
Can anyone tell me what it is? I'm guessing it's from a snail?
Also... what are the tiny white dots? Is it calcium?


Active Member
the second dots are spirorbid worms (sp?) harmless filterfeeders
what teresa meant was "first Q
They are some type of snail egg, cerith maybe


Active Member
Originally Posted by Keri
the second dots are spirorbid worms (sp?) harmless filterfeeders
+1 i just found out what those recently were too. I found this on the new about them.
These worms are virtually harmless. These animals brood their larvae in either the operculum itself, or within the tube until ready to metamorphose, and then release very short-lived planktonic larvae. These larvae often settle within minutes (and almost always less than an hour) of their release, and can therefore spread rapidly within a reef aquarium. This generally happens early in the life of the aquarium, and in a well-maintained, clean aquarium, the initial population explosion of these small worms quickly slows and they are almost never a problem in any aquarium. If the population continues to climb to the point that all surfaces in the tank become encrusted with these worms, it likely indicates a high suspended organic problem, and you should be more concerned with your water quality than the presence of these polychaetes.


Just to inform you the white dots on your glass are snail eggs I have the same ones on my glass and they will eventually hatch into new snails if water paramiters permit.


Originally Posted by spanko
Need to see a picture saltygerman.
Sorry these are on the back glas...I tried to take a pic but you can't get a good look(Too Blury) They are about the size of a ball point pen tip shaped like a C white and hard as a rock, I tried to scrape some off today. I don' know if this helps any?