OK, i just met the third person that's AFRAID of fish!!!!!! HOW CAN YOU BE AFRAID OF FISH???? That doesn't even make sense!!! I understand people afraid of bugs, like spiders, and ok, sharks i can understand too... you know, spiders can crawl on you and bite you, and sharks can bit too.. BUT FISH???
When i heard that, you should've seen me... i was like "I can't, i don't, i can't, i don't, what, i just, i can't, huh, slfj igiojs lkjsdlh ilagh lfj dlkf" for about 20 minutes...
i just, i can't, i don't, what, huh, i don't can't just don't understand!!!!!!!!!!
When i heard that, you should've seen me... i was like "I can't, i don't, i can't, i don't, what, i just, i can't, huh, slfj igiojs lkjsdlh ilagh lfj dlkf" for about 20 minutes...
i just, i can't, i don't, what, huh, i don't can't just don't understand!!!!!!!!!!