What In The World?!?!?!



OK, i just met the third person that's AFRAID of fish!!!!!! HOW CAN YOU BE AFRAID OF FISH???? That doesn't even make sense!!! I understand people afraid of bugs, like spiders, and ok, sharks i can understand too... you know, spiders can crawl on you and bite you, and sharks can bit too.. BUT FISH???
When i heard that, you should've seen me... i was like "I can't, i don't, i can't, i don't, what, i just, i can't, huh, slfj igiojs lkjsdlh ilagh lfj dlkf" for about 20 minutes...
i just, i can't, i don't, what, huh, i don't can't just don't understand!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
When i heard that, you should've seen me... i was like "I can't, i don't, i can't, i don't, what, i just, i can't, huh, slfj igiojs lkjsdlh ilagh lfj dlkf" for about 20 minutes...
i just, i can't, i don't, what, huh, i don't can't just don't understand!!!!!!!!!!

a friend of ours daughter is deathly afraid of our tank. :scared:
Won't even walk in the same room as our tank.
Now SNAKES on the other hand.........


Active Member
phobias are irrational. utterly.
My mother's best friend is DEATHLY afraid of birds.
My husband's best friend's girlfriend is so afraid of fish that if we don't cover our tank when they come to visit, she gets near to vomiting.
I have another friend who is afraid of hair that's no longer attached to a body. Like, hair in the drain of a bathtub. Her Husband has to clean it out twice daily or she goes into hysterics.
a little fear is good for you - a little phobia means ur nuts


No fear of my fish, but I do fear his teeth attached to my fingers (happened once while cleaning).
I was almost killed by a king salmon in Alaska once . . .


Active Member
My girlfriend isn't afraid to look at the fish but shes afraid to put her hand in the tank, also shes afraid of ladybugs :thinking: :thinking: but not bugs....just ladybugs


i can understand being afraid of birds, and snakes and all that other stuff... except for the hair... what's that about??? But fish??? I can even understand being afraid to put your hand in a fish tank... but a fish inside of a tank??? WHAT IS IT GOING TO DO??? SWIM TOWARD YOU?????? LOOK AT YOU??????????? it's not like it can jump out and get you, IT'LL DIE OUTSIDE OF WATER... and if it does try to jump out and get you.... STEP ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm just so confused!!!!!
i'm afraid of semi trucks... but that's cause they're deadly... those drivers either can't see you, or they just don't care if they hit you (if you are a truck driver, please don't take offense to this...)
I'm also afraid of being possesed by the devil, like in the exorcism... scares the living ---- out of me...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stang66200
I was almost killed by a king salmon in Alaska once . . .
Sorry...that sounds funny.Tell us the story!


***) Story time . . .
I was 13, and my friend, his dad, and I were in Alaska to go fishing. We are in a small boat on the Kenai river with a guide fishing for kings. If you have never been to Alaska, I will tell you 3 important things about the Kenai:
1) It is a really cool color of blue since it is glacial melt
2) It is freaking COLD because it is glacial melt
3) It moves pretty fast
My friend's dad gets a king on this line. We all pull in our lines while he is fighting this fish. It was pretty decently sized (50-60 lbs, but I do not quite remember) and it was jumping out of the water. On one leap, it comes right up on my side of the boat. The only thing that saved me was the fish just hitting the top of the rail on the outside of the boat and going back into the river. A few inches up, he bounces off the rail into my knees and I go for a swim and probably have a messed up leg. Fast water + messed up leg + cold = really big risk of not getting back into the boat.


Active Member
Batboy is this "creature" that they used to post about, in the National Enquirer all the time, years ago.


i actually don't know... bad just told me it's batboy... maybe from an old movie or show???