what is a cool fish that could go with...


what is a cool and pretty fish that could go with about 4 damsels,coral bandit shrimp, long tenticle anemone, 2 hermit crabs, good iltration and protein skimmer


Why don't you try a clownfish, such as a maroon or a tomato? They might go into the ong-tantacle anemone. Clarkii clowns are pretty neat also.


Active Member
how big is your tank and how old is it?
my first guess would also problem be a clown, but what type? would also strm upon the size of tank
or then again, maybe if you have a small tank, you might get a lot of replies that say add no more fish


Active Member
well then, i'd say maybe a maroon clown, or evena coral beaty, i'd lean towards the maroon, having an anemone
HTH and good luck


will the maroon pair up with the long tenticle? because that would make my domino mad because he has


It all depends on the maroon clown and its individual preferences. They usually like maroon & carpet anemones (no relationship) but I've definitely seen them in long-tentacle anemones.
Damsels (clowns are in the same family) are also known to hang around and even inhabit anemones when they are juveniles. Don't worry about the damsel it will fend for itself. Believe me....


yeah ill beleive you on that these damsels arent scared of nething but the only thing in the tank that can woop it is the coral banded shrimp its kinda the king or queen of the tank


today i went up to my lfs and i got some live rock and a lawnmower blenny i mainly got the lawnmower for algae but now its already one of my favorite fish just the way it looks and it will go to the tallest point of live rock and sit there and just stare at ya its a very "cool" fish and helpful to pickin algae off of the glass


i vote for the maroon clown...i want one myself but i don't want to risk it with my dragon eel and my future aggressive additions...


Active Member
i agree wiht you about the blenny, we have as algae blenny, very close cousin(maybe even the same fish, my wife loves to watch him too
[ December 30, 2001: Message edited by: fshhub ]


Another vote for the Lawnmower. Not only interesting to watch, but benificial to the ecosystem too.


yeah the lawnmower(great name cuz thats exactly what it does) is a really neat fish now i might try one more small or medium fish one of my oldest damsels died last night but anyways what do u think about a strawberry basslet


Active Member
with your current stock, a strawberry should be fine, and very colorful too, or back ot the top, the maroon clown