what is a emperor compatible with


I have a emeror adult angel(large) in a 150g, what would be a good fish to really compliment him with? i love the angels, triggers and tangs. i currently have a yellow tang, a blue hepettus tang and a arc eyed hawk, a really large dominoe demsel a small clarki clown and lots of rock(200lbs) i would really like something to brighten up the tank even more.like some red or green maybe even somemore yellow. what should i get? and whats best to feed a emperor this large. he is about 8 inches.
oh yeah i found a blue face that i want to get for another tank...will he work? i dont think i would buy anything else. he is about 4 inches


For triggers look at a blue chin or crosshatch. You don't want something aggressive like a clown or a blueline.
You have alot of tangs to choose from. Maybe a sailfin, or you can never go wrong with a Naso. I would just advise against another yellow or a purple. I would avoid the sohal/clown tang family as well.
Emperors are prone to HLLE and often lose their vibrance in captivity but your tank sounds ideal.
Feed him alot of variety: Formula 1 & 2, live and frozen brine, seaweed, mysis shrimp, angel formula with sponge, etc. Soak the food in selcon or zoe. I have a juvenile grey that eats all of the above. Good luck!


Thanks! i will look into a naso. and maybe a niger trigger. i really wanted something red. i wonder if a pygmi angel would work. like a flame. ok i got it i will try and go for 2 flame angels. 1 niger trigger(med) and a nice wrasse. and one more tang. do you think that will over crowd my tank. i think i will get rid of the clarki and replace him with a set of true percula. i can get them for $35 a piece.


Active Member
You should be ok with a flame in that size tank and that amount of rock. Only one flame, two will fight bad.I would not add anymore tangs. How long have you had this emperor? If you just bought him you had better wait to see if he does ok before adding anything else.