What is a good cleaner fish?


I am looking to get some type of cleaner fish and was hopeing someone could give me some ideas,i don't know which are better than others,only i have heard the cleaner wrasse weren't any good! :needhelp:


i've seen the sleeper & diamond goby eat sand like it's going outta style. i'm no expert but i think snails and other "cleanup crew" invertebrates do most tanks justice for cleanliness. As far as fish, from my experience, which is very miniscule, the goby is a win-win low-maintenance cleaner. just my $.02


I am looking into getting a couple of neon gobies. they are supose to set up cleaning stations. and alo looking into a rainfordi goby for cleaning the tank.


what are you wanting them to clean..the tank or the fish...if it's the fish, stay with a cleaner shrimp...if you are wanting to clean the tank get a lawnmower blennie IMO...


I have a Neon Goby in my nano tank. he cleans my percs all the time! its cute...in my 55 I have a cleaner shrimp that doesn't clean anything but my pygmy angel....and steal silversides from my anenome when I feed it! so I dunno...but I like the neon goby personally...and living in Florida, they are local so shouldn't cost you more then 6-10$
Also...If u want one for cleaning the sand...my sleeperhead goby makes a HUGE MESS...I have to take a turkey baster everyday and clean the rocks from the mess he makes...so if u don't mind doing that, then they are cool fish...but I am ready to bring mine back to my LFS!