What is a good cleanup crew 39 gal.tank?


What would be a good cleanup crew for a 39 gal. tank? I will be transporting the old water with some new for my tank, and obviously I'll have to wait to add the "crew" untill my tank settles in. Thanks.


Active Member
It really depends on what kinda fish you want to keep if you want corals or not. And IMO This is something you need to research on your own cause you will like stuff that other ppl dont and vise versa. You should find the animals you like make a list and post here to see if they would work or not. It is said 1 cleaner per gallon but I am over that and no problems.


Assuming you will have a non-aggressive reef and fish setup, here's my suggestion for you:
20 Cerith Snails
20 Nassarius Snails
5 Astrea Snails
10-15 Scarlett Hermit Crabs
2-3 Emerald Crabs
5 Peppermint Shrimp (You can also get a small # of Skunk Cleaner instead)
Maybe add a Fighting Conch, they do a great job at cleaning the sandbed.


hey duke, has your scarlet hermit kill any of your snail. I'm considering adding them to my 37 gal because they are consider the least aggressive of the hermit.


Active Member
I have 10 blue leg hermits and they have killed some snails for the shells but I have 60 some snails so they really havent put a dent in them at all.


i heard the blue are a bit more aggressive than the red. I think i'll add some empty shell just in case. I don't have that many snail yet so one or two dead snail will put a dent on my clean up crew.
didn't mean to steal your thread Buckshott. But my tank size is similar to your. What i plan to get or have gotten is this
10 Cerith Snails
10 Nassarius Snails
2 mexican turbo ... this guys are huge.
5 Red Scarlett Hermit Crabs
2 Peppermint Shrimp
1 skunk and 1 fire shrimp
various other snails i don't know as it was donated to me by a local reefer but i see them eating the algea off the glass.


Active Member
The blues are against snails but not like ppl make them out to be. I have 10 hermits and only 2 have killed snails the others like the empty shells in the back of the tank.