I filled my qt and nearly have it prepared for my first fish. Any recommendations on a good first fish. I heard damsels are horrible fish. Is a clown fish a good fish to start with? Should I start with a pair?
If you are getting your "1st fish" then putting him in QT IMHO is NOT necessary. How long has the main tank been up? What size is it and post equip. and readings too. please
If your first fish is diseased wont it spread parasites through your main tank?
Originally Posted by hot883
If you are getting your "1st fish" then putting him in QT IMHO is NOT necessary. How long has the main tank been up? What size is it and post equip. and readings too. please
People stop confusing the poor guy...He had it right..
QT the fish first!!! NO MATTER WHAT...It doesn't matter if it's the first fish QT IT!
What if he puts it in the display and it has ICH, then he has to QT anyway...then his display can't be used for a month either...
Newfishguy continue as planned...Here is the main question...What size is your main display tank?
Is this going to be Fish Only, Reef, Agressive tank?
That info we can better help you.
Coral beauty's are hardy and cool when your aquarium is established and has plenty of algae and lr to graze on. Perc's are cool too. The snowflake gets pretty big and has a big bio-load. Some cool fish would include a dwarf lionfish of some type or some type of firefish.Gobies are cool also.
Thank you.
My new display tank is 75g and will be FOWLR. I really had no plans as to whether I would have agressive or calm fish.
Originally Posted by sw65galma
People stop confusing the poor guy...He had it right..
QT the fish first!!! NO MATTER WHAT...It doesn't matter if it's the first fish QT IT!
What if he puts it in the display and it has ICH, then he has to QT anyway...then his display can't be used for a month either...
Newfishguy continue as planned...Here is the main question...What size is your main display tank?
Is this going to be Fish Only, Reef, Agressive tank?
That info we can better help you.