what is a good protien skimmer for a 55?


I need one that hangs on the back of the tank!! b/c my lights take up almost all of the top of the tank. So what a desent to good skimmer that hanges on the tank? for about $80 is what im looking to spend mybe more and i need one today so tell me brand name so i can look for it at like ***** or my lfs


look at the prizm skimmer for anywhere from $65 - $80 from just about any online supplier of equipment. Some people recomend newer seaclone units but I have never tried one and can't recomend it. for $100 - $120 you can get a bakpak which skims well but isn't worth the extra money (I know I have one and my other HOB skimmer is a prizm).

nm reef

Active Member
I've used a CPR bacpac2r...around 120 bucks...but its worked well for me and comes with outstanding customer service.........


Active Member
I use a prizm in my 45g tank. Some ppl will tell you its loud, but i personaly don't think it is at all. It really pulls alot of brown crap out of the water. :D I say get the prizm, best deal for price range (about $70). :)


thanks and these can be hung from the back of the tank and like not all in the water, b/c my rock is built up in the back and well some skimmers wont fit.


I have a Biomatrix on my 55 and my 70 and they work great. Had a problem with the first batch they shipped. They had bad props and would break. The lfs gave me a new prop and a extra if it happened to the other one. They are pretty new to the market.


I like my Bak-Pak, but then again, I've never had any other kind to compare it with. I also have a 55.