What is a peaceful fish that will travel in schools in the tank?

josh f

Or at least stay together, will yellow tangs? I might try some clowns, my LFS has an anemone with 2 clows for 89$ I might get, I forget the names now, but they seem to love the anemone, ket me know about nice fish to start an aquarium with, I don't need many, it's only 20gal :rolleyes:


Well to tell you the truth you can't really have any "schooling" fish in a 20 gallon. To have a school of fish it takes a much larger tank usually above 75 gallon to make a good school. A 20 gallon is very small and you can only keep 2 or 3 fish in there at one time anyways. Also, all tangs need a 50 gallon or above just to live by themselves let alone more than one. You need an extremely large tank to get Tangs to school up to 300 gallons. The Clowns sound good in that small of a tank if you only get the 2. If you ever do get a large tank try Green Chromis or Firefish.


i was going to recommend green chromis. they tend to travel in schools. they are also one of the more peaceful damsels out there. i think you could get a small school of them, maybe 3 or 4. tangs is not a good idea. you need a 75 gallon for one tang. i cant imagine how big it would have to be for a school.


I agree that green chromies would have been a nice choice but a 20g is to small. Clowns would be good choice. They are alot of fun to watch. I have both in my 125g. The Maroon clownn always chases the the chromies out of her way. It is cute.
Good luck!
Shel :p


Active Member
Ive always wanted a school of anthias, but dont have the room. For a 20 gal some chromis, or firefish would be good. Later, Bo


New Member
i have a 20 gal. as well. in it i have a blue damsel, a per. clown, and a clarkii clown, along with 2 hatian sea anemomes. the best thing to do once you get about 3 fish in there is READ about FO tanks and Reef tanks. get some clowns, chromisis and maybe one damsel. the damsel might become a little agresseive and territorial, but my clown and damsel seem to like each other and they swim together all the time. but the best thing for you to do is read after you get the fish. dont get to many fish though and have fun! this is great hobby to get into.