What is a refuguim


A refugium is a place you grow macro algae to help control nitrates and phosphates to keep your bad algae in check. It also is another source for bacteria to grow to help keep up with your bio load and to keep your pod population up. Do you need one? No you dont, but I wish I started with one. My water quality and corals have thrived since i added it.

roll tide

Is it possible to have one inside the cabinet under my 55 without lights? If not what lights do I need? Thanks


Active Member
Refugiums are a great way to keep your nitrates and phosphates to a minumum, raise oxygen levels in your tank, and encourage a safe place to build your pod population. Here is my fuge.
And as stated, you don't need one, but the effect that they have on a tank are undeniable.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Roll Tide
Is it possible to have one inside the cabinet under my 55 without lights? If not what lights do I need? Thanks
No, you definitely need lights. Algae is photosynthetic, and must have light for its light cycle. I would suggest getting a good power compact hood to light your tank/sump.
I run a 80 watt Power Compact over my fuge for 12 hours of the day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Refugiums are a great way to keep your nitrates and phosphates to a minumum, raise oxygen levels in your tank, and encourage a safe place to build your pod population. Here is my fuge.
And as stated, you don't need one, but the effect that they have on a tank are undeniable.

this is your refuge? wow!! i have been placing a clump of cheato in my main tank to try to keep my trates under control but the stuff disappears...i do not have a fuge unfortunately...i suppose my snails and hermits must eat the stuff....


Active Member
Thank you. My fuge is slightly different now, as I have a huge, growing piece of xenia in the middle of my tank and both my red kelp and halimedia has doubled. I have this fuge right next to my main tank, and it looks really nice there. Everyone always likes looking at it because I have so many different things in it, from coral frags, xenia, different types of algae, a cowrie, snails, hermit crabs, etc.
It is fed by a mag drive pump which is in my sump, and it is drains back to my main tank's sump through gravity.