What is a Skimmer?


For your size tank I would recommened one, like the AquaC Remora or a CPR BakPak. They take out organic waste from the water.


Ive also herd of a Protein Skimmer, what are they for? (removeing protein) Should i invest in one of them to?
Thanks Billy



Originally posted by BillR70
Ive also herd of a Protein Skimmer, what are they for? (removeing protein) Should i invest in one of them to?
Thanks Billy

A Skimmer and a Protein Skimmer are the same thing. A skilter is a cross betwween a Skimmer and a Powerfilter, used for smaller tanks.


Thanks, I will look for one at the Fish store. Do you know if there expensive or not?
Thanks for your response. Billy



Originally posted by BillR70
Thanks, I will look for one at the Fish store. Do you know if there expensive or not?
Thanks for your response. Billy

An AquaC Remora is $164 at Reefgeek and the CPR BakPak is about $129 at DrFoster&Smiths. A Skimmer is a very important piece of equipment that you don't want to skimp on. Usually you get what you pay for when it comes to skimmers.


Active Member
you can get one for probably less than $100. they are using powered by a pump that constantly shoots tiny bubbles up an enclosed shaft. when the bubbles reach the water line of the shaft, it causes a foam that rises up over a collection cup. the bubbles collect the nasty stuff out of the water. when the foam busts over the collection cup, the nasty stuff goes into the collection cup, where you can remove it.


Awsome, they are priced low. I didnt realize they did so much as far as filteration. It wont interfear with my Biological filter will it? (I have a Rena filstar xp2, its shaped like a box and sits under my tank)
Thank you, Billy