what is a wave master


i have 2 power heads but i have heard of a wavemaster is it a good thing . i know what it is but is it alot of money and do you realy need it


wavemaster is a brand name of a powerhead controller. What it does is tuurn the pumps on and off in random patterns, simulating wave patterns. It is ade by Red Sea and costs approx. $130.
I wouldn't get one unless you are willing to get at least 1 more powerhead. The unit is capable of handling four heads.
I use one and like it.

pb here

Can you believe this? I got a three power head wave master for $20! I stopped by one of my LFS to pick up some Instant Ocean to doa water change. This particular store only sells fresh water fish but he carries some salt water supplies. He said when he bought the store six years ago the previous owner had this thing on the shelf. He said he had no use for it and wanted to know if I wanted it. He said he would let me have for $20. I said I'd take it.