What is everybody using and or previously used to feed corals?


Active Member
I'm currently alternating between dosing DT's phyto and Kent's microvert. I'm not real happy with the way the microvert clouds the tank for an hour or so. What have you used that produced good results?


How much of the Micro-vert are you feeding? I use it once a week and it's never clouded the water.
I use DTs about once week. A few drops of Kent Phyto soaked in with the brine and mysis daily and microvert once a week.


Active Member
The clouding is minimal. I use it once a week and DT's once a week. Just wondering if there is something better out there.


my lfs has started to carry this frozen" baby brine shrimp" cubes, i have been using it for about two weeks now, my corals love it. they seem to be opening up more lately. if you see this product, give it a try. i am using it with DT's.