what is everyone feeding their stingrays?


I feed mine silversides. Thats all he really likes. Sometimes i'll throw some live ghost shrimp in for him.


Active Member
i feed mine everything from, sliverslides, to krill, squidd, clams, fresh saltwater fish, jumbo shrimp, crabs, etc. etc. i give him at least 2-3 peices of each and he GLADLY feeds till he is full !! HE IS A PIG!!!! and sure eats very healthy!! all soaked in garlic of course, he stops when he is full but i still put a few pieces in there after , and when the lights go off, THERE GONE!!!!


i feed mine shrimp scallops clams and once a week they get live food. i have 2 females and a male. hoping to have young in march or april.