I woke up this morning turned on my lights and noticed some discolored bloches on my powder browns body and some white blotches on his fins. These spots do not look like ich and my two clowns and gobies in the same tank show no signs of anything. I haven't put anything new in the tank in over 2 months and this tank has no history of disease.
I did a water change 2 days ago and rearanged some rock. I also just went from regular florescent to a 400 watt MH 2 days ago, in doing so I left the light on for too long the other day and my fish seemed like they were sun burnt but after leaving the lights completely off all of yesterday they seemed completely fine as they do now its just the powder brown that concerns me. He is acting strange at all but has the blotches.
Has anybody seen this, the blotches don't look anything like salt. But I will put some garlic in there food just in case.
I did a water change 2 days ago and rearanged some rock. I also just went from regular florescent to a 400 watt MH 2 days ago, in doing so I left the light on for too long the other day and my fish seemed like they were sun burnt but after leaving the lights completely off all of yesterday they seemed completely fine as they do now its just the powder brown that concerns me. He is acting strange at all but has the blotches.
Has anybody seen this, the blotches don't look anything like salt. But I will put some garlic in there food just in case.