What is growing on my glass?

dr. jay

In my 92 gallon corner tank, there is this green algae growing on my glass. I cant get it off no matter how hard I scrub the glass. I bought snails and a star fish hoping they would eat it. It is really becoming a problem as It is obscuring the view. I can change the water and scrape off all the diatomes but the tank still looks clowdy as the glass has this green hard stuff. Is it algae? Is it removable? Is there any way????


New Member
I wish I knew the answer. I have the same problem and its spreading like a wild fire. I never had this problem b/f and I've had my tank for 4 years. Let me know if you get an answer and I'll do the same. My tank looks like a green mossy forest.
Good Luck!
RAZOR?! Is it metal? this can release some toxics in the aquarium. PLEASE DO NOT RAZOR NEAREST THE SILCONE EDGE OR YOU LEAK THE TANK!
Use plastic cards such as ************** or credit cards this works much better. Still avoid the silcone edges. use scurbber safe for that edges.

dr. jay

Major problem is, the tank is a corner tank and the front is curved. Kind of hard to scrape it with a flat surface. Please keep the replys coming... I really need the help.

reef newbie

I have the same stuff on my glass too.It's little round patchs of green and it's very hard to get it off your glass.My turbo snails help a little.


I too have the green algae on the glass that is tough to scrub off. I bought some floating magnet cleaners, the brand is Mag-Float, and they work amazing! They make cleanin up a snap as far as algae removal. I have a bow front, and you can get the algae off using this product on curved surfaces, just rotate it 90 degrees when cleaning.
Not sure about razor blades, but you can scrape a cruved surface with them, just rotate 90 degrees when you scrape! But I wouldn't recommend using them in an aquarium.


Curved, Straight, Glass, or Acrylic....
Credit Cards.... That's the best scrapper....!


the magnet will work for the soft slimey grean algea but I dont see it working for the hard algea..I just have a small scrubbing pad just for the tank for the hard stuff and I try to clean it at least 1 a week so it doesnt build up much..I have a very bright light aiming towards the front of the tank thats why I have a lot of algea but exsesive algea can be from overfeeding and high phosphates...if you use a scrubbing pad make sure its for a fish tank and doesnt scratch the tank..


Yes, the magnet I have does work for the "hard" algae too. Mag-Float. It's the shiznit! Cuts cleaning time way down for me, plus you can leave it in the tank in the corner and never get hands wet while cleaning.

dr. jay

Guess what guys... He was right on!!! Try the magnet and rub it, like you are trying to get a stain out. Worked like a charm. Good Job man!!!

ed d

I just bought the Kent scraper. It worked great on some old algea I could not get with the magnetic scraper and credit card. Just use it sideways.


Just so you all know...That hard algae is called coraline algea, and believe it or not, it'a sign of a healthy tank. This is the same algea that that makes LR purple and other colors. Just thought i would let you know. so no more :( ok
I have a small pink circle of something growing on the front of my tank and its expanding. I guess thats corraline too hey. Anything other way other than a razor blade to get this off?