What is it?--Powder Blue in trouble


Active Member
I'm running into a spat of bad luck lately. Just got back from trip and saw that my PB, which I've had for over 3 years, has developed some white worm like growth on his cheek( face). They look rather hard with 2 on right side cheek and 1 on the left cheek. Also noticed that there are stringy type worm like string on his bottm rear fin. He seems a bit stressed but is still eating. He's rubbing on the substrate. I've never really seen or heard of anything like this. This PB is beautiful and it is absolutely my best fish. Gotta save him. Beth, Terry , JWT or anyone, Please offer assistance. Thanks.
P.S.- Could it be anchor worms? If so, how do I treat?


Active Member
Beth and Terry...just read gators troubles w/ purple tang that thanks to your help is getting better. You mention stringy mucus in face or gill area...this may be my problem. should I do formalin bath and put in Q tank?? He's eating well. Other fish in tank show no signs of infection. Also does formalin go bad after a period of time? I have a bottle of 37% formalin but don't know how long it's been around and would like to start this process since I am again going away for a week on business starting this sunday.Thanks.


Staff member
Yes, a pic would be helpful. A fish you've had for 3 yrs that suddenly gets sick is not likely to have a sudden bout with parasites. Have you added any fish resently??
I will say one thing. I have never been able to go on a trip and not come back to tank problems. Those darn fish know when "mommy" is gone, and, I swear they get even by getting sick! :confused:
I would do a large water change and, perhaps add some circulation to the tank. Start offering the fish high quality and varied food, soaked in garlic. Lets see how that works out over the next 24 hrs.


Active Member
I'm terrible with the pics thing. Haven't added any fish or anything to the tank. He always gets varied diet of mysis, brine,angel formula,nori and spectrum pellets. All soaked in selcon and zoe. Will try the garlic. He actually ,ooks better today but I know it's still lurking somewhere. Will do another big water change. Did one last week. Thanks.
If I do decide to do the formalin dip, do I need to put him in a Q tank after dip? Right now he's still in dispaay tank. Will formulin which has been around for a while still be ok to use?


Staff member
I see no reason to use a formalin dip. The fish may have a bacterial infection. Lets see if he can beat it after a water change.
If you treat with antibiotics, you will need to place the fish in to a hospital tank.



Originally posted by Beth
I will say one thing. I have never been able to go on a trip and not come back to tank problems. Those darn fish know when "mommy" is gone, and, I swear they get even by getting sick! :confused:

LOL That is so darn true. I lost a few things in my 55 when I left for christmas.


Active Member
Beth- Did you mean ...I see (NO) reason to use a formulin dip? Thanks.
I've done a 50 % water change. Also gave him a fresh water dip w/ 10 drops of formalin and heavy aeration. I know you will be a bit concerned that I went this far but I'm taking a bit of a chance since I have to go away on biz this week. He's doing good and back to normal for the moment anyway. No more string from the cheek area or rear fin. He just ate. Hopefully the water change and dip did the trick.
I'm glad that you( Beth) responded to my call for help. A sincere thanks. I'm dissappointed that Terry didn't especially when I saw she's been on line several times since my post w/ no opinion on trying to save my PB. Oh well.
Hoping for the best.


Staff member
Yea, I did mean "no". Sorry haven't been to helpful either. Been having a shoulder problem and was hard to get online last wk.
The formalin procedure is a bath, not a dip. Using same tank water, aerated, 45mins, every other day for 3-5 treatments.
Also, Terry is a man, not a woman.


Active Member
Beth-OOPS! Thanks for the clarity on Gender. I'm actually in Tokyo. Keep fingers crossed that all is well w/ fish when I return on Friday.
Hope your shoulder problem gets better soon.


Active Member
Need help. PB still has 3 petruding hard white dots(not ick) in a line one after each other in front right fin area as well as another one which stands alone but in same area. He's eating but his coloring is not as vibrant as usual. Help please.


Staff member
Could it be lymphocystis? There are a few active threads here about this with pics. Do a search and see if that is what it looks like.


Active Member
It's white and in the right gill area although developin gin the upper yellow dorsal fin area also. It's been long enough and it's time to take some action. Water changes did not work. Time to move to another plan before it's too late. Would like your suggestions please.


Staff member
Well, do you want to try the formalin bath? The procedure is using the same tank water, in a deadicated container, the water well aerated with the formalin, bathe for 45mins, every other day, 3-5 treatments.


Active Member
Thanks Beth. After every treatment do I return him to the display tank or into a Q tank? By the way the other fish in display are not showing any signs of sickness. Thanks again.


Staff member
If you have a cycled QT, I'd put him in there during the treatment....easier to catch for these bathes.


Active Member
I'm a bit perplexed....went to catch him and noticed that all of the signs of illness were gone....still eating good ...don't know what to make of it. Think I'll wait again...what do you think??


Staff member
The spots are gone? Yes, wait and see. I still think it might be lymphocystis, in which case, improved health and living environment is the only treatment you can offer. Keep an eye out.