what is it?


New Member
Hi! I just noticed some little something (worms?). Tjey look like long pink hair. They go through my sand, kinda gross. Does anybody know what it is? Is it dangerous? I would appreciate the respond.


New Member
Are those worms dangerous? Can I get rid of them? I looked up on line some pictures of spaghetti worms. What I have, does not have a body (may be in the sand), all I can see is red hair everywhere that moves.


New Member
Yes! You were right!!! I digged some of them out. They look like hair or spaghetti worms. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can I get rid of them? I have a worm phobia, Having them in my tank freaks me out!!!!!!! How did they get into my tank??!! I would appreciate any advice! :help:


send them all to me!!
Worm phobia or not, they are very beneficial!! I ain't to fond of worms either, but those...I wish I had.:rolleyes:


New Member
Come and pick them up :)
It is a great relief to know that they are beneficial, but I think I have too many. Is there any way to bring the population down and to control their croth?

gold strip

Less food. Nature seems to find its own balance. Those worms are feeding on the waste of other creatures and the excess food that settles in the substrate. If there is less food then you will have less worms.
But I would think hard before I tried to get them out. They are helping your tank clean itself. If you take them out then something else has to make up the slack.


New Member
spaghetti worms are good to have... they cleanup bad stuff.:D
So are bristle worms.... They had to have got into your tank hichhiking in your LR....
Did you dig these worms up with your hands?!?!?!
If they are bristle worms they can give you a nasty sting... watch yourself..