what is it?


Active Member
I got this coral a while back, and it has gone from bright yellow to brown, has not grown or receeded, but has little fuzzy polyps on it.


Active Member
Maybe montipora? Here is mine when i first got it, then a pic how it looks now, liked it better before. The purple polops are now the same color as the base, and its more mustard color then yellow now. But the polops extention is healthy.



Active Member
Yeah, I thought maybe a monti too, either way try giving it more light and more flow, may help


Active Member
Originally Posted by trippkid
Yeah, I thought maybe a monti too, either way try giving it more light and more flow, may help
i've been thinking it needs more light, but i don't think my PC's are enough. gonna have to see about trading it or giving away i guess.


Active Member
My yellow porites has turned green under my 14K MH's, has only grown about 1/4" or so in about year and half. Try to move it as close to light as you can, is possible to maybe green up after a while. If the polyps are out, and no signs of receding, it may just need a little time.


Active Member
thanks all :) it is currently at the top of my rock about 8" away from the lights so there's not much i can do to get it closer :(