What is it??

ny reef

Ok everyone I am new to this I was looking at my sand bed today and all of a suden I see these little tiny things the size of pinheads moving across the sand they look like they have a tail almost tear drop in shape but no bigger than a pin head they are all over the sand bed you have to stare a moment then you can see them move. Do you think they came off my live rock?? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like an invasion of copepods.....careful they come out at night and feed on your infant children(just joking).....good sign that your system is stable and healthy. Do they look like these.....

I freaked when I first saw them but after reading a ton of info on this site, found that they are a very good thing to have.....sounds like your tank is coming along nicely, congrats :)

ny reef

thank you ...I just hope I don't screw it up I am going nice and slow and reading everything I can get my hands on I just dont want to mess up.. :cool: