what is it?

ny reef

Ok got my live rock order in and it looks great .But in the rock are like small looking oyster that are in the rock and you can watch them open and close there mouth like a clam not sure what they are but they are about 1/4 inch in size ??? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> I will post a picture when I can..


Active Member
Not to alarm you but some barnacles have eggs that can be parasitic to fish gills.


probably just a type of harmless muscles; are they more baracle shaped & cylinoid/rounded at the top or are they more clam shaped w/ the lip/mouth encircling most of the surface area?


I have several of these in my tank. I think they're muscles. I started noticing them about six or seven months ago, and they don't seem to harm anything.

ny reef

YEP!!! Thats it those are the things in my tank and have a bunch imbeded in my rock..OK they dont hurt anything..neet..
Some of those came on my LR too. They have ended up as empty shells at the bottom of the tank...something in the tank eats them I guess. Was so excited when I saw the first one, thought they would grow and be a great addition to the tank.
You may not. I think my CB shrimp got mine. It could have been the sally light foot also...but something ate them. Good luck with yours.


just usual reef additives like kalk or calcium; and like same said; filter feeders; probably good to add DT's plankton


you really don't need to be adding DT's unless/untill you have corals, clambs, large duster worms, or other large filter feeders stocked in your tank; you could begin adding kalkwaiser soon or various other chems like iodine/iodide or stronium & molybdenum; those will benefit the macro algae and various other smaller inverts found in the substrate or on the LR


I have the green variety of these. They are and have been doing well for months. I do add Kalk, Stro&Mel., phytoplex and have just stated using marine snow. I guess we will all find out!


I have two of these clams on a piece of LR that was aquacultured here in Florida. They are both roughly the size of a ping-pong ball. Mine have not grown in size, but they have reproduced at least once, since I now have another small one on another piece of rock. This little one has doubled in size from () to ( ). It has taken about 5 months for this growth to occur.

ny reef

found a crab today inside the live rock but sorry to say it was DOA... <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />