what is it

keith gray

I have several little white tubes(kind of hard looking) on my live rock. It looks little things are coming out the end of them. Looks kind of like Aptaisa. They are little clear flower looking things that come out of the end of the tube, real small. Do I get rid of them somehow or will they hurt anything ?

keith gray

Thanks for the info- one other question

If I use Aiptasia - X to rid my Aiptasia, can this hurt my corals ? I have 4 soft corals in a 55 gal.
Should I turn off my powerhead when I inject the Aiptasia so it will not spread ? Any ideas ? HElp


Active Member
Yes it can hurt you coral. Yes turn off you powerheads and filters to stop the flow in the tank. That is why it comes with a little syringe. It must be targeted to the Aiptasia and not so it flows around or gets on any of the close by coral.