what is it??



My foxface has been in QT for about 2 weeks now. As I look into the tank I see a white very thin milky membrane floating through out the tank. There is a couple of them. I cant tell if it came off of him or what. What is it? Is it bad and how do I get ride of it? I see no obvious signs that he is sick. Swims and eats well.
Water params
Trites 0
Trates 10
Amm 0
ph 8.4
sal 1.021


Active Member
Not many people on here helping are there today! Im waiting myself :p
What filtration methods have you got on there? IS there much water surface irritation?
All the best,


I don't know what it is but can you suck it up in a turkey baster?
sorry, not much help


Helping today? hehe I posted this 3 days ago. I guess no one knows. Well its just a QT tank with 1/4 inch substrate. I have a power head running. This is all in a 20 gallon. Other than that I have a cheep top fin hang on filter running a little carbon. I can suck it up easily just not sure what it is. I was goiong to introduce him to reef but now Iam hesitant not knowing what it is.



Originally posted by Terry B
The fish is probably sloughing off ecess mucus. It can be overproducing mucus if it has parasites such as gill flukes or there is something irritating in the water like ammonia or low PH. Don't ignore it. Make a LARGE water change with well aged and aerated saltwater
Terry B

Is it contageous and will it affect other fish?