what is killing my frogspawn


ok about 9 months ago i put a healthy frogspawn into my tank..it never took as well as it did at the store because i believe my clownfish hosting it annoyed it..but now for
the past few days it appears to be on its way out..its hiding inside the branches...4 of the 6 frogspawn still have their green colors but still dont wanna come out and open up..the catch is my water is perfect..my clam and hammer coral look great and everything else is too..i dont know what could be causing this all the sudden with the frogspawn..do they need something i dont know..thanks


We have a frogspawn and it was doing great! However one nite we added ph buffer (our first time adding it) to the tank that was not properly dissolved and it killed two heads in 1 day! Everything just fell off.
Now it is once again doing great and we learned a valuable lesson.