what is more important, megapixels or zoom?


Active Member
also, what is the best way to take pics of moving fish without being blurry? and how to take a well lit pic? I turn on the overhead light and use the flash and the pics still look dark.

37g joe

it depends on what you mean by zoom digital zoom sucks it just blows up the pic and lowers quality a good 5 mega pixal camera with optical zoom should suit you but try to get the most optical zoom you can pay for. im saving up for a new camera my camer is one i got for a present it has just digital zoom but is 5 mega pixcels picturs where i dont have to zoom look great but if i am far from wherever im taking the picture and i have to use the digtal zoom i just would rater not take the pic. also if your taking a pic of your tank make sure you have a tripod for stabalization


Active Member
I have 5 MP with 10x optical zoom. but most of the zooming in appears to be digital, and takes blurry pics. I can't get in close enough like most of the pics I see on here. I have tried every setting and combo of settings that I can think of, and I can't get a good pic.


Active Member
sometimes I do, sometimes not, but it's still not taking the kind of pics I want either way.


Active Member
try a full tank shot and see how that looks - post it... then get closer and see where it starts getting unfocused... moving fish up close is a bit difficult to take..


Active Member
Originally Posted by doodle1800
sounds like you have a kodak 740?
yup, that's what I've got. is there some combo of settings that I can get good close up pics? I know it's hard with moving fish, and I can get a little better with corals, but still not as close up as I'd like.


Active Member
You'll need a macro lens to get real closeups, something a 740 doesn't have.
How close can you get and still be focused?
Post a pic for us to see your problem - focused and unfocused (closeup and not).
Is your auto focus on, is your hand steady?
Moving fish - change your shutter speed - choose the fastest speed the camera can handle, try with flash off.