What is my Anemone Doing? What is that?


I was gazing at my tank yesterday and noticed that my new bulb anemone (2 days in my tank) was expelling something from his mouth. He then curled up for 2 hours and is now doing fine.
Although today he is fine (he moved around a bit) I'd like to know if this is a good or bad thing.
So is this good or bad? what exactly is he doing?
Here's a pic:


anemone's got indoor plumbing just like you and me so it's normal to see them secrete things from time to time. their plumbing is a little less complex but plumbing none the less.


Active Member
i ahte when they do that!lol my condy took a huge one from the bottom of the tank to the yop of it and then to the filter i was like holy crap literaly! :hilarious