What is normal clown behavior?


Picked up a 3" maroon/gold clown from my LFS two days ago. Owner told me he got him in the day before, but he looked fine when swimming in his tank. Took him home and drip acclimated him for over 2 hours. Put him in the tank, and he pretty much hides towards the bottom inside a little cave in my LR. Didn't move around much, except from side to side. Every once in a while he'd come out, but as soon as I approached the tank, he go back in his hole. I feed 2x per day (1 cube frozen around 7AM, another around 5PM). Doesn't look like he's tried to eat yet. Last night after my main light went out, he started coming out and swimming at the top of the tank. I have a large LED bar on my 55g for night light simulation. This morning, he was still coming up to the top. I dropped a frozen mysis shrimp cube in next to him, and he didn't touch it. The main light came on around 7:30AM, and he stayed up on the top, swimming side to side. I don't know if he's stressed from being shifted to another tank so soon, or if this is normal behavior for a clown in a new setting. Checked my params the other night, and there's no major changes - Ph - 8.2, slight trace of trates and trites, SG - 1.024 off a refractometer, temp 80.1 - 80.5. My puffer, green chromis, SFE, and green brittle seem to be doing fine.


Active Member
Hold back on the feeding. IMO you are overfeeding. Clowns should come out to check you out when you approach the tank. Are you thawing your food first? Trites should be zero could be adding to stress.