what is on my live rock ?


a pic is to follow but it looks to be a deep purple sponge growth all over the LR can anyone tell what this is ?


That is an algea of which I cant place the name. It occurs often in new tanks and in tanks with high phosphate levels. It should clear up but if you wish to remove it use a NEW soft-bristle toothbrush and brush it away. I had it in my tank when I first started but it went away in about 2-3 weeks.


how can you be certain it is not sponge growth ? this tank has been running for 18 months now.and I like it I dont want it to go away it adds a lot of color to the tank!


looks pretty when it stays in one spot, it took over my tank a few weeks ago. It began to cover the whole sand bed, and started covering the corals when they would close up at night. It recesses at night then grows very quickly when the lights come on.
Red slime remover, a little tube of orange powder killed it all in 3 hrs, not a spot left. If it gets out of hand that stuff works wonders!


but this is in a fowlr 65 gal tank there is only rock and fish in it i want this sponge like purple thingy all over every rock its beautiful...why would I want to get rid of it ?


its all over the rock looks great not as great as a deep purple coraline algae but very nice and it's spreading to other rocks. i personally like it.



It's always a little hard to tell from a photograph, but that looks like red slime algae which is actually a type of photosynthetic bacteria (Cyanobacteria)
It looks great while it's contained, but it is indicative of other tank problems such as low flow, declining water quality, etc.
It will eventually take over your tank and drop your redox potential until nothing will do well.
Using red slime remover (which, I believe, contains E-Mycin) will help, but it is toxic to your nitrifying bacteria.
IMHO you are better off cleaning it off manually and looking for the cause.
If not---enjoy

for a while!!