What Is On My Niger Trigger!?!?! Please Help!


Active Member
I'm not sure what this is on my trigger, i just noticed it...it wasn't there this morning...looks like a scrape in skin...im not sure if its a fungus ..or what...he acts totally normal and my levels in my tank are perfect..and none of the other fish have anything like it....is it a scrape?...or a cut?...or is there something on him and i need to place him in my QT


Active Member
I can't really tell from the picture what it is, but if it appeared as quickly as you say, he probably injured himself on something. Make sure your water quality's great and he's on a good diet with the proper nutrition. Stress coat products might be worth a shot as well. Just make sure to research it thoroughly before putting it in your tank. :)


I really can't tell. If you look at the pictures that Beth posted maybe you can see one that looks like it.


Active Member
The trigger is looking better now...the wound doesn't look even half as bad,..i think he might have cut himself on a rock or maybe my tang cut him....but hes looking good, and is still very active...thanks for the advice guys