What is pods ???


I'm reading on mandarin fish they eat pods or mircofauna ? what are they ?? what is a refugium ?


Originally Posted by nimo1969
I'm reading on mandarin fish they eat pods or mircofauna ? what are they ?? what is a refugium ?

Hi there,
"Pods" are small saltwater crustaceans that gradually build up populations in established tanks. Copepods are one type, are smaller than a grain of sand, and are what a mandarin fish's primary (and often ONLY) food source. As stated, populations are gradually built up, so it's best to only introduce these fish into long established tanks--2-3 years IMO. (Although lots of people have undoubtedly had success in younger tanks.)
Amphipods are another type of "pod." They're bigger than copepods, and scurry along the substrate, scavenging for detrius and algae. Check your tank at night with a flashlight--I'd bet you would see a few on the sandbed right by the glass.
A refugium is basically another tank plumbed into the display that the tank water runs through. They're on an opposite photoperiod with the display, to maintiain PH better. Algae is grown in the refugium to consume excess phosphate (harmful to coral growth) nitrate (need as close to zero as possible) and to provide filtration for the tank. It also becomes an ideal place for "pods" to proliferate and become available to the display tank inhabitants by always being in the water column.
Just my 2 cents, hope it helps!!