What is popeye?


New Member
I saw in one of the other boards that someone had mentioned that their fish may have popeye. I was just wondering what causes it and if it is treatable in any way. Does this cause the fish to become blind? can it be spread to other fish? Any info would be appreciated thanx.


Active Member
Antibiotics are used but sometimes just clean water or several water changes can clear up mild cases.


Staff member
Popeye is inflamation of the eyeball which caused it to swell and lock like it is poping out. The causes are variable. If the cause is due to mechanical injury, such as a fight with another fish or an abrassion from a rock, then, obviously, it is not contageous. If the cause, however, is a disease process, then the diesese causing the condition could spread. Usually, if it is caused by disease, then it is bacterial in nature, in which case you can use antibotics.