What is proper method for feeding fish,inverts, and corals

I have been running my tank for about 2 months now. I have 2 percula clowns( don't know if they real or false) a engineer goby, lawnmower blenny, a coral banded shrimp, 2 anemones, several snails and hermit crabs, 1 emerald crab, a brittle star, a sand sifting star, pulsing xenia, 2 anemones, small mushrooms. I have been feeding mysis shrimp, brine shrimp and marine flakes. My question is wht is the proper way to feed the fish. I have heard that I should cut off all my pumps, powerheads and fans. Feed once a day twice a day or ever other day. Right now I take a cube place it in some tank water to defrost and pour it into the tank over a 5-10 minute period while i watch them eat. what's you guys opinion on this?


Active Member
the cube is your cause of phosphates.
rinse the food in water and a strainer before putting in the tank.
what type of food are you feeding? if brine just throw it all out and feed your fish something that is more nutritional than the equivalent of candy cane. look in the disease forum for beth's DIY food.
you should make your fish get the food, don't turn off the pumps. you shouldnt have to feed your corals much, unless it is a sun coral and then yes, i turn off the pumps. for your corals, put in plankton, phytofeast, and look up popone (gotta figure outt he right spelling, and unfortunately you won't find it on this site)
wow throw out the brine thats the exact opposite of what the dude at the LFS told me when i asked what foods should i feed my fish and he pulled out a frozen pack of brine and said "use this"


Originally Posted by Pimpin Chirp
wow throw out the brine thats the exact opposite of what the dude at the LFS told me when i asked what foods should i feed my fish and he pulled out a frozen pack of brine and said "use this"

Be very careful of what you listen to at the LFS. Renogaw is correct, brine is like candy for fish. If they need something small then buy enriched mysis.
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Be very careful of what you listen to at the LFS. Renogaw is correct, brine is like candy for fish. If they need something small then buy enriched mysis.
I just decide imma start making my own food I read beth's food recipe and it makes so much sense to me. I still don't quite understand the garlic part though that was a little confusing. I mean can i freeze it or not? Can I use garlic powder? I think imma start a new thread on that see if I can't pull some of the experts in on it


Active Member
get some fresh garlic and a garlic press.
squeeze the garlic in the press, mix it in.
people are back and forth as to whether or not garlic helps, but enough say that it helps boost the immune system that i use it.
Originally Posted by renogaw
get some fresh garlic and a garlic press.
squeeze the garlic in the press, mix it in.
people are back and forth as to whether or not garlic helps, but enough say that it helps boost the immune system that i use it.

A garlic press? i have no idea what that is. so i can't just place the garlic in the processor with the mix and do it all at once? Is it the garlic or just the garlic juice that I want?


Active Member
garlic press is just a little gadget you'll find in the supermarket or any kitchen accessory store. it cups the clove, then you squeeze the clove in this thing and it pushes the garlic body out, and leaves the skin. the body is what you want in the mixer.


Active Member
I'm probably beating a dead horse with this one, but I would like to add (b/c i didn't see it) that you should only feed your fish what they can eat within about 2 minutes. I don't know over that 10 minute period if you are feeding them the entire time or not.
I too need to start making my own food i guess, i use a mixture or frozen brine shrimp (from LFS), raw shrimp (from grocery store), and some type of seafood medly (sp*) that comes in a frozen cube as well.