what is red algae?


New Member
I've had my tank for 4 years. I recently changed my lighting system and since then I've had so much red algae, it covers everything. I tried the slime remover and it worked temporarily but it came back. Its disgusting.
I have good water flow, 3 powerheads in the tank. I've done water changes and cleaned it but it comes back, kind of like an epidemic. Any ideas?
Could it be that I'm using tap water?


Active Member
it didn't kill your corals and anemone.
it comes from excess nutrients. it could very well be the tap water.


Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
and it came back again. im doing the 3 or 4 day thing over again.
you can do it over and over again, but unless you find out the cause (which you already know, phophates) it's just gonna keep coming back.
just buy a phosphate pad and it should be fine.
I'm having the same problem (just not as bad) and i was advised to buy a pad as well which i will do.


Active Member
but, you are telling him to find the source, and then instructing him to hide the symptoms.
i suggest both of you don't worry about the phosphate pads, and find out where the phosphates are coming from, and delete that from your system, if in fact, it is a phosphate issue.


Originally Posted by Mr_X
but, you are telling him to find the source, and then instructing him to hide the symptoms.
i suggest both of you don't worry about the phosphate pads, and find out where the phosphates are coming from, and delete that from your system, if in fact, it is a phosphate issue.
I didnt' even know what the pads were until i was suggested to use them. I thought they eliminate phosphate, but what you said makes sense.
My apologies


Active Member
it comes down to water quality. if there are no nutrients in the water for the cyano to thrive on, it must die. i wouldn't pour things into the tank to remove things from the tank. i just don't think it's that simple.
try manually removing the cyano with a vacuum, while you are doing waterchanges with R.O.D.I. water, and bumping up the flow a bit.