what is RO/DI water???


on the message boards i've heard people talking about topping off with RO/DI water and I was wondering what it was.:confused: :help: :confused:
future thanks


Active Member
Reverse Osmosis DeionizedDistilled - It is basically water that is heavily filtered. Reef inhabitants need very clean stable water and often tap water contains heavy metals, pesticides, silicates and other compounds which cause algae blooms and other problems in reef tanks. It is recommended in general that you use RODI water in your tank to avoid problems. Some people have very clean tap water but not many!


i use well water, and i just let it sit for a day, then i add the salt and heat it then put it in the tank is that ok?:confused:


right now i am not going to add anything else to my tank because i am upgrading to the ninety and really need to save up thanks:D


Active Member
You could still have contaminants in the well water? If you aren't having problems though don't break it!:)