What Is So Bad About CC?


I understand that sand may be better. Bu tI can't see every lfs telling me to use CC and not sdand if CC is so bad? Please educate me as I am very new and learning. Also I haev CC in my tank and I do not want to replace just for preference or minor gains.


CC is just fine. The problem with it is the grains are alot bigger and harder for you sand sifters to keep clean. So over time it can pollute the tank. If you keep no more than 1 inch of CC, and have adequate sand sifters, you'll be just fine. I've never had a problem with my bed, and I've been using it for about a year and a half.


Active Member
sand is much better at nitrate reduction than cc, and is easier to care for, and most lfs's use it because it is easier for them to clean(although you don't clean a sand bed) and they have the cc and have had it for years, and they make more money off of cc, especially when most people will buy the sand elsewhere, and the fact that for them to switch all those tanks would be a pain in the ... for them, although many are starting to use sand(some are getting with the program)
we had cc for a while, and switched ti in our 40 gallon and our 75 we started out with a dsb, and are very happy that we did, our 75 has never been near the hassle as the 40 ever was and the water is much better, not to mention that we also use no filters anymore, youcan't think of this with cc
but, cc will work fine for a fish only(less sensittive to nitrates than a reef), if properly taken care of
Crushed coral is not bad. That's not what "most" people are posting. The benifits are just much greater with a dsb than with cc.