What is the best ICH medicine to buy?


I am planning a reef tank, so I had to stay away from all copper-based products. With that said, I had very little luck from "Kick Ich". Sorry, but I can't tell you what you should use, but I would definitely stay away from this one.
Glen in Atlanta


Active Member
IMO, hyposalinity is the best treatment for ich, from the standpoints of safety, cost, and effectiveness. The only downside of hyposalinity is its ease of use as it does require some effort (particularly the first time).
Copper comes in a distant second.
There are no other reliably effective ich treatments.


Active Member
i used kick-ich and it killed my huge bubble coral
it was my favorite piece in my whole tank and was doing beautifuly. it also was making all my shrooms and polyps shrivel up and close up until i had the sense to stop dosing it and run extra carbon to absorb it. hypo is the best treatment


Staff member
Hyposalinity is the best way to treat ich, and it is medication free.