What is the best in-sump skimmer for a 75g?


I currently have a ProClear rated for a 75g. Unless someone can convince me time will cure the microbubbles it is causing, I want to get something else. My tank is about 3 weeks. I spent 2 weeks getting OUT microbubbles. Licked that problem
, then hooked up my new skimmer...the ProClear. Voila...zillions more microbubbles! The skimmer is in the same section of the fuge as the pump (Quiet One 2200), which is the only place it will go. I dont' see many bubbles in the fuge, but by the time the water travels the 3 feet up to the DT, there they are...zillions.
To my knowledge, this is my last step to havin my tank good to go. I've already invested so much in this thing that normally I would be saying "I gotta make this one work", but right now, my frustration level has taken hold and I am just saying...Please, someone tell me which one I need to get that will work well and cause the least trouble!


Active Member
i have one fish in my 90 gallon that i feed about every 3-4 days and the skimmate from my etts reef devil deluxe is as dark as it gets. i know that the regular reef devil was on sale last week so maybe check out there website..