what is the best lighting

kevin lassonde

New Member
i have a 20 high and would like to keep a couple of fish and quite a few inverts maybe some soft corals but probobly not would compact flourecent be best for me?


Active Member
if you are going to add corals, pc's may or may not be sufficient, it would be better to know which corals, each one has it's own needs for lightin, but a fowlr, and say you add mushrooms or leathers, you would probably be fine since they are less picky about their lighting requirements, but pc's are real nice for fish and rock, the only problem with pc's, is they don't seem to have the color as good as it should be for actinics(only with actinics, so i have read), so our actinics will probably be vho's and our 10000kelvins are pc's(we will be adding corals soon, in a couple of months, but are getting ready to order the lights in a couple of weeks), ritght now, with 10000 kelvin pc's(110watts), we have some polyps and a mushroom starting to grow, which hitchhiked in on the lr, it is fine for them, because they got there by themselves