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not to hijack the thread but what are the benifits of drilling a tank over having a HOB overflow. Just wondering
and to try to answer your question I use a Overflow from hurricane filters they have a website and also sell on that auction site. took some tweaking to get it just right but right now running great, very little noise. i almost hated it when i started could not get it to surface skim but now its working like a charm and have not had to touch it for 2 weeks.
Just wait until you run it for awhile. You'll have issues!!! I have to clean out the U-tube and the overflow box once every month or so. It's a total pain if you ask me. When I got the new 90g bowfront RR tank, I made sure it was RR before I bought it. I would NEVER go with HOB overflow box again. But this old tank is staying so I'll just keep up cleaning monthly....