What is the difference between T5 and PC...


I am getting 3x250 HQI MH but can then either get 4x96 PC or 4x80 T5 with it. It was suggested to me to get the T5 instead of PC but why? I will be doing a 125 reef. 72Lx18wx22h.


Active Member
I am going by what I have heard and read about as I have never worked with T5's.
The T5's take up less room and tend to run cooler than PC's. They put out slightly more light per watt than PCs as well. The downside is that the bulbs cost a little more to replace and are not as widely available in as many spectrum options.
If you are going to use them for actinic only, I would personally go with the PCs for cost reasons but either way, you should be fine.