what is the least aggressive clown?


I know clowns are territorial and can be aggressive to non-clown tankmates, but which clown is the least aggressive?
When I went to lfs I wish I would use my god-given common sense! I'm checking out the tomatos and the clarks..I really like the clarks. I notice the tomatos all appears to have ragged tails, in contrast to this, all the clarks look very nice. Dummy me asks the lfs salesperson which clown is less aggressive. I'm sold a tomato (what do I know!). Anyway, I get home do a little research and everything I read says tomatos are very aggressive. Yes, I should have done my research before I went to the lfs!
But back to my original question...which clown is less agressive toward non-clown tankmates? I have two yellow head watchman gobies and a high fin banded (banded high fin) goby.


Active Member
I think the false perculas (ocellarius clowns) and true percs are the least agressive of the clown family. My percs get along great with it's tankmates. However, they all will become territorial to a degree....especially when mating time comes around.


Ok..thanks! With only one I shouldn't have to worry about mating time..LOL! Does this species need an anemone, and if so, which kind..bta, lta..etc?


Active Member

Originally posted by bcollie
Ok..thanks! With only one I shouldn't have to worry about mating time..LOL! Does this species need an anemone, and if so, which kind..bta, lta..etc?

It is a COMPLETE MYTH that clownfishes need anemones. In fact, my perculas completely ignore my anemone. Most tank raised clowns will not take to an anemone as easily as wild-cought clowns.
Anemones require near pristine water conditions as well as very intense lighting. I would not advise getting one unless you are willing to have the setup for it.



Originally posted by TheGrog
I think the false perculas (ocellarius clowns) and true percs are the least agressive of the clown family.

I can agree with that comment but would like to add two words.
Tank raised.
The tank raised would be even less agressive than wild ones.