What is the low-down on the Coral Banded Shrimp?


New Member
I have been checking out the posts today and it seems there is a lot of talk about the CBS. The good, the bad and the ugly. First off - What do they eat (meaning what are they supposed to eat)? Do they pose a danger to any of the following - brittle stars, serpent stars, trochus snails, hermit crabs, emerald crab, porcelain crab, peppermint shrimp, or skunk cleaner shrimp? The tank also includes a Blue and Zebra Damsel.
The one I have is quite large, at least 4 inches long. I have never seen him bother anyone, but I have had some disappearances since I got him. Notably an Arrow Crab, Emerald Crab, Peppermint Shrimp and Camel Back Shrimp. I have also noted some leg bits missing off my stars.
He seems to only be active at night so I don't know what he may be plotting in there, but I was under the impression that he wasn't a problem.


Active Member
CBS can be terriorial especially when they are larger. They will attack other shrimp if they come to close to their terriotory so when keeping them with other shrimp you need to have enough space for everybody. CBS are scavengers, usually eating stuff off the substrate or occasioanlly other shrimp if they wander too close as I have experienced with the one I had before.