What is the max


what is the max number of fish for a 7 gallon bowfront reef tank. The tank is currently run on two filters that act as power heads. one filter filters 300 gallons of water per hour and the other filters 105gallons of water per hour. the tank contains 20-25lb of live sand which is equal to 2-2.5inches of sand depth. the tank is lighted by a 32watt power compact lighting system. is this lighting system enough for a miniture reef tank of 7 gallon bowfront tank? it currently contains about 20lb of live rock. thank tank has been up and running the past 8 months. all readings are good and within the ranges of normal. currently the inhabitants of the reef tank are 4 scarlet hermit crabs. one small goby and one clown fish. it also contains one snail. the tempertature is kept at a 82-84 degrees F. i do a water change every 2-3 weeks depends on the water condition. what is the max number of fishes i can have in this miniture tank? what is the absolute maximum? i am also gona be introducing corals into this tank. i dont want anything that moves around. I want stationary corals. what are the best corals for my tank?


Active Member
For a 7 gallon only one fish because the rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish for every 5 gallons of water. I think 2 fish maximum but I really think only one fish. I've had a green star polyp before and it stayed in one spot, it was really pretty too. There are probably other corals but thats all I can think of right now.


Active Member
I would not put anymore fish than what you have now. Most corals do not move. The only ones that you really have to worry about moving are soft corals like leathers, mushrooms and xenia.