What is the minimum lighting I need for Inverts?



I want to add some anenome's and starfish and things like that eventually what are the minimum lighting requirements.


Active Member
Starfish don't have any special light requirments. But anemones require alot of lighting. Many others, including myself will discourage you from keeping an anemone, they usually don't last in captivity and have special requirmnts. As far as the watt per gallon thing goes, you would need to keep about 5-6 w per gallon. In your hex you would probably need to go with MH lighting. I don't suggest for anyone to purchace one of these beautiful creatures, they are best left out in the ocean. :) I had a condy in my tank for about two months. They are very nice looking but, when they (or a carpet)inflate, they are huge, it will take up 1/2 the room in that 35 hex. They will also sting and possably eat small fish (exept most clownfish) and sting any corals in their reach. I decided to remove it because my corals are more important to me.
There are lots of interesting things you could add to your tank besides and anemone. How long has your tank been set up? How are your water tests?
...Just my 2 cents


If not anenomes what will be interesting additions to make my tank more beautiful?


There are tons of different type corals out there that will make a gorgous tank.Go to any one of thesaltwater stores online and look at their corals. There are even a lot of corals that are hardy and easy to keep, great for beginners. This is a good place to start checking out corals, hope this helps...good luck.
Just a thought....take a look at "colt" corals and "gorgonians"...they are so cool!


Active Member
Hay rock, if you can add some power compact light to your tank you could keep some mushrooms, colt, toadstool leather easy corals like that. Do some reasearch to find out what each coral requires first(light, water movment, feeding) than decide what will work in your setup. If you aren't sure about certain corals, than post questions on the reef board. :) If you don't want to upgrade your lighting, and want to add some cool stuff, i suggest adding a cleaner shrimp an/or a brittle star. These are both interesting to watch.
Is your cycle all done in your tank? If not, thanyou will have to wait to add any inverts. They are very sesitive to water quality. How long has it been set up? What are your water tests reading, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, alk?


Do I need to buy a whole new lighting set up or are there PC's that will fit in the hood and lamp of my aquarium I already have? The bulbs can only be 18" to fit in it.
1,000 WATTS PER GALLON FOR INVERTS! <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />