What is the most interesting fish?


Thats impossible to answer since everyone has their own opinions. To me, watching a group of clownfish (6-12) in a reef tank especially with either a few anemones or some kind of LPS such as a torch that they can host in is amazing.


a fish should be friendly and know its owner, my false perc clown decided to commit suicide by jumping into the filter overflow in my aquapod 24, so i've renounced clowns for now, but maybe he needed a friend. Anyways, i vote you get a female longnose hawkfish. The females are the more slender ones and the males may have some black on them. It's a cool fish and loves to watch you and perch on something and stare at you while you stare at her/him.
I think I would have to go with my valentini puffer. He is so adorable, hovering here and there. Not afraid of anything, his gorgeous green eyes independently twitching this way and that. His little tail delicately held out to the side... so cute! I love the way he appears to hover like a little helicopter, not like other fish who have to paddle to swim. Those little fins on the tops and sides almost imperceptibly twirling around... So fun! I love when he sleeps... he just clings precariously to a wall and just lays perfectly still, oblivious to the world around him! Sometimes he picks spots to sleep that amaze me that he doesn't just fall backwards and plummet to the ground..


New Member
As far as personality, I would say a DogFace Puffer. They are very personable and incredibly intelligent. I cant have one in my reef tank now, but If I didnt have a reef tank a dogface puffer is the first fish I would buy. If you have a reef tank like me, I would get a greenbird/brownbird wrasse or a diamond back goby. Both are fun to watch and have great personalities. (Although the Wrasse should be monitored with corals)