What is the right temperature for a saltwater tank-?



Hey guys ! I was trying to find out about the best temperature for a saltwater tank. I have a 175, and I was thinking that 82 degrees is fine-? Any help would be great


You will probably get different opinions from different people. I think 82 is all right but it is probably the upper end of where you want to be. I like to try to keep mine between 78 and 80.

payton 350

78-84 whatever you are comfortable at and able to keep stable at. just watch the tank and see what seems to be the best for tank creatures
i keep mine about 78-80 in the winter and 83-85 in the summer


Active Member
Unless you invest in some good equipment for the tank, you're going to hve temp fluctuations. Just keep them to a minimum and 78-84 should be fine.


Thanks guys ! What would you say is a good thermometer and where should I keep it in the tank -?


Active Member
I have AGA and they suck. I don't even run a heater right now cause my AGA's always overheat the water. I hear good things about the Jager heaters. The general rule is 2 less powerful heaters is better then 1 lpowerful heater since it provides redundancy. You can put them in your sump if you have one. The best route is to go for an aquacontroller that controls the temp.


Over the long hual I see temps of 79 to 81 to be optimal for growth of desirable species. Long term 78 and lower seems to slow growth rates. Over the 81 increases unwanted algaes. As for higher temps on corals at what temp does die off occur? It is a guess debated world wide now with coral bleaching and die offs being experienced world wide. My personal choice of 79 to 81 comes from recorded temps of reefs in the Carribean where I have snorkled and friends have recorded the temps on dives. I also feel temp fluctuations of more than 3 or 4 degrees over a day cycle are far too much for long term success. Take this as you will, but temp control of closed systems are every bit as important as many other water parameters.