What is the smallest sump available?

I have a 75 gallon and would like to add a sump to increase my bioload. What is the smallest sump available? My stand only has two cabinets. The sump could be tall, just not super wide or long. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Well, you could get creative and use a hexagon shaped tank as they are taller than they are wide.
Technically you could use a teacup as your sump but it's not going to help offset your bioload! Remember, bigger is better.
Agree with Keri, bigger is better for sumps. Get a tank that fits in your cabinet and make it the sump. You can DIY a sump as well.


Active Member
i used a makeshift 10 gallon hex tank as a sump with refugium a while back for an oddball sized tank stand. here's a pic-

it wasn't an earth shattering design, but it worked-